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Case Study

This Automotive ecommerce brand was the first ever account that our team worked with. With Automotive Army, we overhauled the entire digital marketing stack to ensure that we could elevate the brand's revenue month after month.

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This ecommerce brand was hit HARD by the IOS 14.5 updates and subsequent Facebook updates that removed a ton of detailed targeting options that this site used to leverage in all of its winning ads. The results were unprofitable ad spend, weak conversions and overall a decline in business effectiveness.

What We Did


The Results

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Paid Ads

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Paid Media Strategy

Given the visual "impulse" buy nature of Automotive Army's product catalogue, we felt that Facebook ads would continue be the best platform to leverage to generate results.


We went modified the ad targeting strategy to a more broad focus given the improvement in Facebook's ability to determine proper audiences itself and we also changed the budget distributions. 


The results were simple, we were able to generate significantly better ROAS numbers for Automotive Army while also reviving essentially what was a dead brand when it comes to Facebook advertising. 

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Web Design

Website Rework Recap

Automotive Army housed a catalogue of some 500 or so different individual products on the site. We reworked their Shopify website's layout to ensure that we could display as many of the individual products as possible in an easy to navigate way. 


We created in depth mega menus that categorized the apparel by manufacturer and individual car type so users could easily navigate to their desired vehicle. 


We also changed the website accent colors to make the brand pop and feel really unique.

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Recap

With over 1,000 happy customers under their belt and even more email contacts, we knew we needed to leverage email as an effective channel to reach semi-warm consumers. 


We created and distributed a series of emails to be sent out week after week to showcase product collections, limited time flash sales, new product launches and more!


With these emails we were able to keep the audience engaged with the brand and generate more sales for the business at a super low price compared to other avenues.


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Influencer Marketing Recap

One of the most effective marketing strategies that we were able to implement for Automotive Army was leveraging various micro influencers and automotive themed Instagram pages. 


We were able to partner with key influencers within specific car groups to help sell merchandise for those cars. We were able to see some AMAZING ROIs for these promotions, even with multiple days where we were able to generate nearly $1,000 days at extremely low partnership costs. 

Offer/Pricing Optimization

Pricing Change Recap

Automotive Army typically ran all of their online promotions through a sales focused lens, there was always a product discount. We made two key changes when it came to the product offers that dramatically increased AOVs (62% in fact). 


The first thing that we did is we made everything full price, no discount. While this may sound counter intuitive, it isn't. The portion of buyers who like a shirt for $22.50 but not for $25 is so minimal that raising prices more than makes up for them. 


We also removed the company wide free shipping on every order policy and created a $49 minimum free shipping paywall to encourage customers to buy more. After making this switch average orders quickly jumped from one item per order to two or more!

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